Medicine Wheel Teaching with Ernie Cardinal
The Library is very pleased to welcome all community members to this event to deepen their understanding of Indigenous world views and take a step on the path to Reconciliation.
Join Ernie Cardinal, nêhiyawak (Cree) knowledge keeper and program manager at the Spirit of the Children Society as he guides you on holistic ways to find balance within yourself, between one another and throughout our surroundings. Ernie shares teachings of the medicine wheel and its main medicines such as sage, cedar, sweet grass, tobacco and willow fungus.
Ernie Cardinal is a Cree man who has dedicated his life to helping inter-city street youth and Indigenous families in crisis. Ernie has spent the past 30 years supporting the most vulnerable and marginalized people in the Lower Mainland. He is an active keynote speaker and workshop presenter on colonization and the adverse effects it has on the Indigenous community.
Ernie’s focus is on developing a strong Group Psycho-Educational Therapeutic model by utilizing restorative circles within an Indigenous perspective. He accomplishes this by balancing his traditional Cree upbringing with a solid educational background, as he holds an Advanced Certification in Co-Occurring Disorders, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Child and Youth Care Counselling (Aboriginal Stream specialization), as well as Certification in Native Family and Community Counselling and Native Youth Work. Ernie is currently the Indigenous Cultural Liaison Advisor and Youth Program Manager for Spirit of the Children Society, an Indigenous non-profit organization. Ernie also sits on a local Indigenous Board of Directors and finds time to teach Traditional Indigenous Parenting, as well as facilitates a Traditional Men’s Talking Circle.