38 Begbie Street | 604-329-1875
Hours: Tuesday 2:30-6:00pm, Thursday 3:30-7:30pm.
Youth Source utilizes a ‘one stop shopping’ approach by providing youth with a variety of services in one place. At Youth Source, there is a warm, welcoming atmosphere where free, confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth 21 and under is provided. At Youth Source the Purpose Society provides a free Youth Clinic in partnership with Fraser Health.
No appointments necessary.
Advocacy and referral services for youth on issues such as shelter, income assistance, legal services, family mediation and school issues are also provided. Youth can access a wide array of services through this resource:
- Speak to an:
- Alcohol and Drug Counsellor
- Youth worker
- Therapist or
- Child and Youth Mental Health Clinician
- Take a shower
- Do laundry
- Access the emergency food cupboard
Or just hang out and participate in recreational activities.
The Youth Clinic has nurses and a doctor on-site to provide the following services:
- Access of free medical care
- birth control education & provision
- pregnancy testing + decision making
- STI information, examinations + treatment; and
- HIV education + testing.
No appointments necessary.