The New Westminster Public Library is very pleased to announce that the Carbon Dioxide Monitors are now ready to borrow!

CO2 monitors are super easy to use and provide interesting and accurate information for users about the concentration of CO2 in the air, which can be a useful tool to understand ventilation in an indoor space. The concentration of CO2 can indicate the potential viral load in a crowded space, so folks can use them as a tool to make informed decisions to keep themselves safe. CO2 monitors DO NOT detect viruses or airborne particles (such as smoke), but they are a good indication of how good the ventilation is, which is impossible for regular folks to know otherwise.

For more information about monitoring indoor air quality, this is an excellent resource:

How to use:

The monitor is always on, and uses an energy saving E-ink screen (like a Kobo). It will refresh every couple of minutes by going momentarily black and then coming back on.

The screen shows

  • The CO2 reading (in parts per million or ppm)
  • The humidity level
  • The temperature
  • The battery health
  • Whether the CO2 level is healthy or not. Green (healthy) indicates lower than 1000 ppm of CO2, the yellow (average) is 1000-1400 ppm, and the red (unhealthy) is over 1400 ppm. The machine also sounds an alarm if the level is in the yellow or red territory

If users want more information or utility, the device can also be paired with a free app they can download on their phone, but it’s not necessary for basic function.

Each Kit Contains

  • The CO2 monitor including 2 AA batteries
  • A quick start guide (in English and in French provided by the company)
  • A carry case
  • An information guide (created by the NWPL)
  • All in a red library zip up case


  • One device at a time can be checked out on adult cards
  • Loan period is three weeks with one renewal possible (as long as there are no holds)
  • Devices can be placed on hold through our catalogue, just like books (search: CO2 monitor or click here)
  • Kits must be checked out by staff, they do not work on the Self Checkout machines
  • Kits must be returned to the desk.